Monday, February 18, 2008

Breaking news regarding your humble blogger!

You've probably noticed that my posting on TWFE was a tad sporadic for the last week. There was a reason for my slacking off, as I was pondering a blogging opportunity that had come my way.

I've been in talks with the NFL blogging network, Fan-Sided Blogs, for the last several days. They asked me to be the lead blogger, with full editorial control, at their Detroit Lions site, SideLion Report, and I've accepted. As of today, the vast majority of my Detroit Lions writing will take place at SideLion Report.

As much as I love the Pistons and Red Wings, over the past two years of blogging I've learned something about myself. That being my true passions are for the Lions and Tigers. I'm an old school football/baseball guy. So the opportunity to make some extra cash, and to write about the soul-crushing Lions as often and with as much vitriol as I wanted, was too much for me to turn down.

I'll still be posting regularly at TWFE, as my keeping this site active as ever was part of our agreement. It would have been a deal breaker otherwise. There was no way in Hell anyone could stop from writing about what should be a great Tigers season, let alone post my thoughts regarding the playoff runs of the Pistons and Red Wings.

Considering I was posting my Lions thoughts damn near daily from August though January as it was, taking on a Detroit Lions blog made sense. I'm going to try and keep a 5 day a week posting schedule at SLR, and the same here at TWFE. The only difference you'll see is I'll be linking to most of my Lions posts from here, and to read them in full, you'll go to SLR. In fact, my first post has just gone live at SideLion Report.

I hope you all follow me to SideLion Report, as I build it up to be the best fucking Lions blog on the internets. Matt Millen and William Clay Ford won't know what in the Hell hit them.

You can subscribe to SideLion Report by clicking here... I suggest you do so immediately!


  1. I hope there's $$ involved, you should get something for all that pain. Either way CONGRATS! They're lucky to have you!

  2. It is a paid position, K. There being compensation involved was a big reason for my taking on SLR.

    Thank you for the kind words. And think you for reading TWFE!

  3. Congrats Big Al. I look forward to reading the new site. The fan sided blog crew is a great group too.

  4. congrats and best of luck with SLR... i'll be there as often as my absolute disgust and hatred for the lions allows me to... you are the best man for the job regardless...

  5. Thanks Rupert and Stan! I'm glad to hear that you know of, and like, the Fan-Sided blogs guys.

    Jon, your readership and comments have been much appreciated! Try to suck it up, and come by SLR often!

  6. Congrats, Al. Good to see your hard work paying off.
