Tuesday, April 22, 2008


The Freep has published a report stating the city of Detroit has finally awarded the contract allowing for the demolition of Tiger Stadium. Destruction will begin within a month's time.

Detroit’s Economic Development Corp., a quasi-public arm of the city, awarded the demolition contract to a joint venture of MCM Management Corp. of Bloomfield Hills and The Farrow Group of Detroit. The team will tear down the stadium at no cost to the city and make its money by selling the scrap, estimated to run $1 million or more in value.

Only in Detroit would it take the better part of a decade to demo the rusted hulk of a decrepit stadium, allowing a neighborhood to decline along with it. To allow the money pit known as The Corner stand for as long as it has is an embarrassment for the city, and to the legacy of the Tigers. The stadium been a festering pustule on Detroit's back for far too long.

The city has more than enough issues to deal with, everything from a corrupt mayor to population flight, that the demolition of Tiger Stadium is comparable to throwing a pebble in Lake Erie.

The ripple effect won't go very far...But it's start.

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