Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Go Wings!

Don't expect much in the way of posting today.

I'd like to get my thoughts out there on the Wings (Go Wings!), Tigers (What the HELL?) and Pistons (What to do?), but I'm too God damn exhausted. I had to drag my gimpy ass all around SE Michigan getting my groceries, shopping and errands done for the month today, then put it all away. When you have arthritis, believe me, it's a freaking chore! Now I have to make dinner, and to be honest, I don't feel like it. I don't feel like doing much of anything. Anyway, enough bitching and moaning from the gimp...

So I'm going to chill for a few hours till game 6 of the Stanley Cup finals starts. So if I do end up posting, it'll most likely pretty late, once the cup has been won...I hope.

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