Friday, July 27, 2007

TWFE nerve center is 95% done...

...which means I expect to have new content up tonight.

Moving my HQ some 150 ft. went fairly smoothly, thanks to the help supplied by the complex management. In other words, nothing was broken! Save for yours truly, that is...

I'm moving more than a little slow, thanks to the move going fast. As usual, I over did things. I know what my physical limitations are supposed to be. Unfortunately, when something needs to get done, I go past them, leaving me sore as fuc...Hell.

Sore I am, but I'll live.

If there was one good thing about going dark internet-wise, blog-wise, sports-wise, and news-wise, was missing out on the latest Tigers bullpen debacle. So I may be damn sore, but at least my blood pressure didn't skyrocket. Small favors, but I'll take it...

I'll be back soon, and, as always, thanks for reading!

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